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Check your brain fog indicator

Memory problems, brain fog, cognitive dysfunction, and other mental health issues.

Brain fog isn’t a mental health condition but rather a term used for a lack of mental clarity.

COVID-19 afters are called long-haulers, and brain fog is one of the common symptoms.

Past head injuries—even mild traumatic brain injuries can cause brain fog.

Some brain fog symptoms may be related to undiagnosed ADD/ADHD.

Depressed is associated with many symptoms seen in brain fog.

Having hormonal imbalances is associated with mental brain fog,

Being exposed to toxic mould is the root cause of the cognitive dysfunction seen in brain fog.

Poor memory, problem-solving, and paying attention—all brain fog symptoms caused be Lyme disease.

Stress mode, your body releases too much cortisol, which negatively impacts the brain and can leave you with brain fog.

Several common sleep aids, antacids, and prescription medications are associated with detrimental cognitive effects, brain fog.

When sleep deprivation becomes chronic, it interferes with neurons’ ability to communicate, causing cognitive issues that disrupt memory and other functions, brain fog.

Highly sensitive to certain foods, MSG, soy, corn, dairy, sugar, and gluten, consuming such foods can lead to mental fatigue, trouble paying attention, and slowed thinking, brain fog.

Elevated blood sugar levels, which are common in people with diabetes, damage blood vessels and negatively impact circulation, reduced blood flow to the brain, which can lead to fuzzy thinking and memory loss. Low blood sugar levels mean the brain may not be getting enough glucose to function properly, making it difficult to concentrate, brain fog.

Fibromyalgia, can also cause brain fog; we refer to it as “fibro fog”.

Dementia is a general term for a group of degenerative neurological conditions that impact brain function and lead to cognitive impairment.

Alzheimer’s Disease.  Vascular Dementia.  Dementia With Lewy Bodies (DLB).  Parkinson’s Disease. Mixed Dementia.  Front temporal Dementia (FTD) Huntington’s Disease. Creutzfeldt – Jakob disease.

A study of 50,000 people provided headache data. The correlation between headache and dementia was most evident among those who experienced 15 or more headaches per month, and for those ages 75 and older. Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

NO headaches NO Dementia, it must be brain fog.

The symptoms of dehydration are strikingly similar to the symptoms of dementia and depression.

REMEMBER DRINK WATER at least 2 Litres (9 cups of tea or coffee approx.) each day.